
Alluvial's changelog records changes made to the Alluvial API specification, including new features, improvements, bug fixes, and more.

July 9, 2024

  • Discounting APIs are live! These APIs enable adding a new target rate in the event Platforms need to adjust the net Protocol Service Fee rate for specific accounts and/or wallets.

  • Summary APIs are now exposed within the Reporting API. Summary APIs allow for teams to get data for a range of dates rather than a specific day.

May 17, 2024

  • Reporting API now exposes an endpoint for Platforms with segregated accounts to get rewards information. You can see examples in our reporting guide.

April 24, 2024

  • Reporting API now exposes an endpoint for Platforms with an omnibus to get rewards information. You can see examples in our reporting guide.

March 25, 2024

On-Platform list

  • On-Platform list has been created to allow Platforms that only want to allow for a wallet to take part in secondary actions of LsETH to be accounted for. More information can be found in the Mint and Redeem guide or Secondary interaction guide.

  • When creating a wallet, Platforms that allow for minting and redeeming, but only want to allow a wallet for secondary interactions can add these wallets to the on_platform list.

Platform APIs

May 5th, 2023

Release redeems APIs

  • Expose redemption requests by address via /eth/v0/redeems

  • Expose redemption requests by id via /eth/v0/redeems/{idx}

  • Expose redemption manager (heights) via /eth/v0/redeems_info

This API can be used with the redemption guide.

May 18th, 2023

Release projection APIs for LsETH redemptions

  • Expose redeem projected redeemable at timestamp via /eth/v0/redeems/{idx}/projection

  • Expose manager projected fulfilled at timestamp via /eth/v0/redeems_info/projection

This API can be used with the redemption guide.

November 20th, 2023

  • Remove address from Allowlister via PATCH /v0/depositors/{idOrKey}/wallets/{idOrAddress}/remove

Rather than removing the entire Depositor object, Platforms can now remove only the wallet address. This is the recommended approach for most cases where an a Platform needs to revoke a wallet address' Allowlist permissions.

The wallet will is still able to transfer LsETH to other wallets.

Last updated